March 18, 2010

Things I've Learned Over The Last Year- - The Short List

 2009-2010 has been challenging to say the least!  So, I'm taking this opportunity to really think about the positive things I'll be able to take with me.  Here goes....

  1. I'm not good at working from home! Doesn't sound positive I know, but I'm now fully aware that I work best as part of a team.  Great to know!
  2. Life can change in the blink of an eye, and it's important to make the most of each and every day!
  3. Friends will get you through the tough times, and tough times will show you who your real friends are. I'm fortunate to have many of these people in my life!
  4. You can't control everything in life, so don't stress the things you have no control over.  Learn to roll with these situations and try to spin them into something positive.
  5. Cliche as it sounds, it's about who you know.  It's important to have a wide/deep network of individuals.  I've probably spent most of time developing my network, and it's gotten me further than anything else I've tried.  I think this should be a life long development process.  You can't ever settle with what you've got, because there are endless possibilities of relationships to develop.
  6. I've learned that building relationships is something I'm good at.  **Not bragging**  I really like people and getting to know what makes them tick.
  7. If your comfortable in life, there's always something you could be working on to make it better and more secure.  Disclaimer: I'm fully aware that life & security are like oil & water.
  8. I've learned what I'm made of, and what's really important to me.  
  9. Sometimes "tough times" are a blessing in disguise.  Some kind of lesson always comes from the worst memories we carry around.  
  10. Learn to be flexible, and adapt to anything that comes your way.  Flexibility, in my mind, is the key to a life well lived!!
  11. I've learned I really like sports talk radio--mainly during football season though.
  12. I've learned that watching my daughter grow-up is truly a gift!!  We've really built a strong bond with all my time at home. It's awesome to see her personality develop, and scary too, because I know who her parents are.
  13. I really miss playing the drums, and being creative in general.
  14. It's not a good idea to always vent to your significant other!!  Yes, they are your life partner, but excessive negativity wears on anyone.  Just love them with all your heart no matter what's going on around you!!!
What are some life lessons you've learned through tough times?

March 10, 2010

How did this happen, and where am I going from here?

**Yes, I'm aware that this post is all over the place, but that's how my brain works most of the time.**

Over the course of this past year my family has seen more than our fair share of tough times.  I found myself unemployed last May out of the blue, and it's been a nasty cycle since then.  I tried all kinds of things to climb out of this hole, but it seems to constantly get deeper.  Double Dang!

I ask myself often, will we ever get out of the red?  I wish I knew the answer!  The worst part of the whole mess is the stress of it all.  Stress is no joke, and it really starts to take it's toll after a while.  I've learned many things during this trial, but the one thing I'd love to share is this:  YOU CAN'T GIVE UP!!!!  I have to remind myself of this daily.

I've wanted to a thousand times, trust me.  However, it's not just about me.  My family depends on me, and I feel I've let them down.  What a terrible thing to carry with you!  I love them more than you could possibly imagine, and I only want the best for them! How can I help us live to our fullest potential in this life of ours?

I'm now asking myself,  what is my real purpose on this earth.  I know we'd all like that answer, right?  Well, I'm listening Lord!  Please show me my path, because I can't walk this road alone any longer!!!!  I ask that we all try to answer the question, what is our purpose as individuals.  I fully believe we were all placed here for some reason.  I've been on this quest for far too long, but I know I can't quit.  That's just not acceptable!!  In fact it's time for turbo-purpose-search-mode!

I know at the end of the day I long to feel as if I've made a difference in someone's life.  I'm not a selfish person, although others might disagree, but I know I want my career and life to be focused on helping others.  Did I just answer part of my own question?  I'm not sure, but from this day forward my quest will be helping others, starting with my own family.  Lord bless us all as we search for our purposes!!

Now I'm off to try and make something positive happen today.  Just a little hint of good news would be awesome........Go-Go-Gadget Life Purpose Detecter.

February 22, 2010

Daddy - It's Quite a Title


In the past I never never cared for the "Father Tag", Daddy.  It just seemed so" little kidish"  it made my skin crawl, and same for Mommy.  Now that our little-one is capable of speaking (sort of), I'll answer to anything she wants to call me.  It's simply amazing that our little human is starting to communicate.  Wowzers!

Not long ago I was stoked she could walk.  Now she's saying what's on her mind....whaaattt...unbelivable!!  I now gladly accept the title of, Daddy!  There, I said it, because I just realized this today.

Going Big in 2010!

I've decided my personal brand message is this - Going Big in 2010.  I know it'll need to be addressed again come end of year, but for the remainder, it will be my purpose.

Going Big in 2010 sum's up exactly what I'm trying, to rebound from last year's terrible misfortunes!  It's not breezy, but very important.  In 2010 I want to: Launch a new career, dig out of a hole, better support my family, plan for the future, build relationships, polish my skills, learn-learn-learn and apply that knowledge, volunteer, help others more, and dive head first into really figuring out who I am & what I want.  It's an overwhelming list!

Where to start?  Well, how about launching a new career that I truly love?  Sound good?  I hope so, because a lot of the other items on my list are directly related to this entry.  What I really need is a mystical agency owner to appear and offer paid mentorship.  Since this likely isn't happening, I'm going to network my brains out until I can check off this portion.  (When this happens, there will be much rejoicing and good times had by all in attendance!) I've always wanted to work as part of a creative team...always.  The idea of it makes me antsy, and ready to start right now.  However, I realize that you have to start somewhere and often times the bottom.  FINE, bring it!  I don't plan on being down there for long anyhow. If you're reading and you need me, let's talk...PLEASE!

Anyone else who feel they need to go bigger in 2010?  Well, you probably do.  Jump on, this bandwagon is headed for liberation.? (I have no idea what that means either, because I can imagine your asking the same question.)

**Insert random change in direction**

Oh yeah, I've been working more on my camera phone skills too.  POOF - some goodies.

February 14, 2010

Chance to win a sweet lamp on my friend Christine's blog: Great Oak Circle

It's here!!! Your big chance to win this hot little number.  Thanks again to CSN Stores who let me give this great prize away to one of my lucky readers!'s the must live in the US or Canada, and you can only enter between NOW and THURSDAY at MIDNIGHT!

February 13, 2010

The Alabama Blizzard of Feb. 2010

Ok, it wasn't a blizzard, but it was beautiful.  It came and went pretty quickly, but at least my Little One got to experience her first snow.  I wish I could feel what it's like for her during moments like experience things for the first time with no expectations, no hype, no let-downs, just the pure joy of being in that moment seeing snow for the first time.  How cool!  If we were only capable of realizing how great it was to be a child at that time.  Well, for the record I personally had a great childhood and I know that many people weren't as fortunate. For those people I have deep sorrow!

They say yesterday was the first time in recorded history that the lower 48 states had snow on the ground at the same time.  CRAZY!  Really?  Seems hard to believe, but I imagine it's probably true.  Congratulations lower 48  on your new record!  The scary part about this record is "they" also say it's due to global warming.  The globe warms & we get more snow?  What.....uhhhh, is that possible?  I'll let you sit around and think about it, but I'm just glad the Blizzard of Feb. 2010 happened!

February 11, 2010

Snowly Cow!

The theme for the week is snow wrecking havoc on my travel plans.  Again, the possibility of getting out of town tomorrow is looking like it might not happen.  The family is supposed to be going to Mobile (AL Coast) in the morning, and the NWS is predicting 2-5"s of "heavy snowfall".  For some of you that's nothing, for those of us in the south, SNOWLY COW that's a lot!  I've decided that my wife's grandmother's 80th birthday party isn't worth risking the 4 hour drive in a southern blizzard.  My wife agrees for the record.  So, Jack Frost do your worst....we're not scared of your fluffy flakes in this household!

Side note**My dad, who's lived in Dallas for over twenty years, reported more snow that he's ever seen in TX (shown above for proof of legitimacy to this blog).  On the other hand, my friends in the Rockies have complained about "craptastic"snow levels most of the winter.  What's going on Mother Nature?**

February 9, 2010

A Change of Plans, Doctors, Lunch, & Jazz Dancing...

I was supposed to head north this morning to Louisville, KY on a business trip.  However a massive storm system moved in over the last 24 hours and started dumping snow in that region.  Trip postponed for 2 weeks- -bummer, but I had a full day none the less.

First a trip to the pediatrician, which is always a chore.  Every time my daughter sees somebody in scrubs she gets very skeptical to say the least.  We got a couple of meds to fix her up and we were on our way.  So long snotty nose and sleep depriving cough.  We won't miss you!

Immediately following the Dr.'s office we met Mommy for lunch.  It was a nice treat since we don't get to do family lunches mid- week very often.  It's the little things that can completely change your day.  From a canceled flight to lunch with my beautiful family..... I can't complain!

The little one was asleep in the car no more than three minutes after departing from the eatery.  That's a sure sign a long winter's nap is right around the corner.  I was right.  SIDENOTE** I miss childhood nap times and fully believe the siesta should become commonplace in American culture!**  
To wrap this up my point is this: even though plans can change in a hurry, it's not a bad thing to end up dancing in the kitchen with your daughter to some NOLA jazz!!!  In fact, I can't think of anything more productive and rewarding!!!   
On that note I suggest: WWOZ 90.7 FM New Orleans   They have their own iphone app, how sweet is that?  Enjoy, because it's Mardi Gras time and you should be dancing with the ones you love most (in your kitchen)!

February 5, 2010

The makings of a bad day & it's Remedy

What really makes a day bad?  When I really stop to think about this I get confused.  Confused in the sense that any day spent alive should be appreciated for just that, but often times certain days bring  elements to the table that are just plain WRONG.  As much as I try to remind myself that these things will pass, I still find it hard not to concentrate on them from time to time .  This has got to stop!

In order to eliminate this occurrence I've decided that you've got to have passion in your life to make the most of it!  Whether its family, work, friends, hobbies, talents, or whatever you want to add to the list, without passion you lack desire to actually make the most of the day you've already been given.  WHAT A WASTE, and I'll be the first to admit I'm guilty.

This was pointed out to me by my friend Arra Glare (stage name), well not directly, but I knew what he was getting at.  Arra saved the day yesterday.  It twas a "bad day" until he stepped-up to get me out of a BIG hole.  **Thanks Facebook,  for letting Arra know of the situation so quickly!  Your social platform really brings people together!! **  I'm passionate about our friendship, and in hindsight yesterday was a prime example of what I'm talking about.  Even if he hadn't been there for me, at the end of the day I'm still fortunate enough to have family, true friends, work (in progress), talents, and pretty decent health.  These are the things that matter....these are the things to focus on in times of mayhem....these are the things to throw your passion into!! One of my favorite quotes goes like this--  "The best form of exercise is reaching down to pick someone else up". True dat, right?

So the moral of this rant is:  A "bad day" can only be as bad as you let it, and your "bad day" is nothing compared to some of the other ones out there.  So I'm challenging myself to this- - when I see one coming, I'm gunna find something to throw some passion at.  KER-SPLAT...You've been hit by a big batch of "bad day" remedy!

February 3, 2010

Phone Shots.

My wife thinks it's ridiculous that I love taking pictures on my iphone.  Well, I say you can't stop a force as powerful as my phone photography!!  From time to time I'll be including some of my favorite pics for everyone to see.  Let me know what you think about them.  Here's a few to get us started....

February 2, 2010

It's been quite a Tuesday!

Tuesday (today) started off with a generally weird vibe.  It's like a sniper was waiting for me to sit-up in bed, and then can imagine what it was like from there.  I will say though, there was a pretty darn decent rally late in the day.  Hooray for rallies?  I'm not really sure what that means, but I'm going to leave it included b/c why not cheer for rallies,right?

Seriously though, I had a great lunch at Flip Burger with my old friend Jason Wallis.  In case you don't know Jason, he happens to be a world class photographer.  Check it:  It turns out that Jason is friends with quite a few people that I need to know.  **This is the rally launch**  He was kind enough to offer any assistance he can provide, and I obviously, graciously took him up on the offer.  There will be posts in the future on this news, or at least I hope so!

Next up was a "working" conference call.  Ahhh, we'll just say it was the start of many other chats in the near future.  Long story short is this: Tuesday was a weird one, but cool one too!!

My meatloaf frozen dinner is now ready, so until next time Folks....

February 1, 2010

On your mark, get set, ??????

Hello, my name is John and I'm now a blogger.  I hope your time spent here is enjoyable, and if you aren't careful you might even learn something.  This will be a building block experiment on my part, because honestly I really want to see what I can do with this space.  I'm not going to promise an update every day, but I will try to keep all posts interesting at least.  Can you dig that?

Well, where do we begin?  **Insert Clifhanger**  Until next time......